법정에서 판사(중학교 동창) 만난 범죄자 근황.gif (미 플로리다)
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(August 28, 2022) Miami, Florida - Remember the judge who recognised the defendant as her classmate from middle school? After the first bittersweet reunion, this not-so-viral second reunion melts hearts equally much, if not more. Years ago, we all had seen this video somewhere on the Internet where two middle school buddies meet after decades in a courtroom. That was not the kind of reunion anyone of us would hope for. Nevertheless, that incident changed the life of the verdict completely. Let’s go back a little and start from the start. This video got hundreds of millions of combined views on YouTube only, forget other platforms. This courtroom camera records an interesting incident where Judge Mindy Glazer was going through her usual job but suddenly spots one verdict who happens to be her classmate in middle school. If you watched the video, you know how ignorant Arthur Booth (the defendant) was acting in the beginning, like he had no regrets for what he did. What happened after that, I think all of us know. Booth burst into tears so bad and each word that was coming out of his middle school classmate’s mouth was like the realisation of all the years he had wasted and the people he had let down. “This was the nicest kid in middle school. I used to play football with him… and look what has happened,” she said in the video while Booth was submerged in regret and broke down in tears. This is the story we all have heard. Many of us have cried watching the video too, I’m sure. Not a Disney ending, right? But this one, fortunately, has one. After spending 10 months in jail, Booth was released early as a part of a court program. But was it different from his past where he was continuously making rounds of court and jail for charges of burglary, grand theft, fleeing the cops and resisting arrest among more? Turns out it was. It was different this time. Growing Booth was the brightest kid in one of the best schools in Miami. But soon he fell for all the vicious addictions including gambling and drug addictions that consumed his bright future and ambitious dreams. He wanted to become a neurosurgeon. He went to prison several times. And this time could have been no different and things would have remained the same if not for Mindy. After serving 10 months in jail, when Booth was released, he told CBS Miami: “She’s an inspiration and motivation to me. Mindy is incredible.” The second reunion was far more emotional than the first one. Turns out Arthur had changed a lot in those 10 months. He read books and became interested in business. He decided to start all over again. Though he had lost his dream of becoming a surgeon, he didn’t want to live in the regret of his past. On the day of the release, Mindy was also present along with Arthur’s family and cheered him up and wished him a bright future. Arthur promised he would never end up in prison again and would give up gambling and drugs forever. He kept his word. It’s been more than 6 years and life has taken a complete U-turn for Arthur. He’s in a far better condition. He is now a manager of a pharmaceutical company and is living a lawful life, as he’d promised to his former classmate. “Take care of your family. Try to get a job. Stay clean. You are going to do something good for somebody else,” Mindy told Arthur after he was released. To which Arthur repled: “You better believe it. You better believe it.”
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